The goal of our services is to serve players

We have developed our services to facilitate the organisation of our events. On this page you can find a list of all the services we maintain.

Kuulaportti is a registration system used for airsoft events. It was originally developed by Ehasa for our own needs but nowadays it is free to use by players. It has many features that make the everyday life of game organisers easier.

Ehasa gallery is the place where we have saved all our pictures since 2010. In the gallery, you can find pictures of almost all of our events, as well as other events we have attended. The gallery has close to 18,000 pictures and more than 190 albums. is a game management system, where you can see the situation in realtime. We have also an android application with better tracking, which in turn allows the faction leaders in our larger events to see the movements of their forces.

Tstosnews was established for the TSTOS events. It is an in-game news site where people can write articles and news about the events of the game. Civilians and fighting factions can also advertise their own ingame stories and services on the tstosnews website.

We have created website for players who are attending our larger airsoft events. In that site we have included all the neccessary information for when arriving game area or where to find faction bases etc.

The purpose of the website is to collect information about the players of TSTOS events before the event. For example we can collect applications for the recon team and civil faction. That information can then be handed over to specific faction leaders.