We are constantly looking for new volunteers to help organise events. We don’t really have skill requirements, and the most important characteristic of a good volunteer is passion, interest and a sincere desire to organise good events.
Due to the nature of the work, we do not necessarily have all the time to present concrete work assignments, but we aim to use the knowledge and expertise of any willing assistants.
Even though it’s about recommendations, you shouldn’t get too attached to them. We can make exceptions if the applicant has a genuine interest and desire to learn new things and develop themselves.
Age of 18 years old or more
Drivers license
Can somewhat speak English
Is genuinely interested in organising events
How to apply?
Send us a free-form application by e-mail, where you tell us about yourself and what you have to offer the association.
However, please mention at least the following things:
When are you available/willing to work (before/after the event/during the event ..)
How long do you want to work and what kind of work do you want to do.
Do you have a car available to use. If so, how many seats are in your car and can you transport people with it.
Have you previously assisted in Ehasa ry events.
Your language skills and if you have any special skills (firstaid, security etc.)
What you want as a reward/payment for your work.