SPIRIT OF TSTOS – 8 years of TSTOS Airsoft milsim events
Since 2016, we have organized large international Airsoft milsim events in Finland. Over the years, about 8 terabytes of video and image material have been filmed from the events.
Building an armored airsoft vehicle
4 months ago we posted some pictures of our battlecar project to Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/vrl1il/photos_of_rebuilding_our_airsoft_battlecar/ Some general i
Our YouTube channel WILL BE DELETED
We are moving to a new YouTube channel. There are a couple of reasons for this: The monetization of our old channel was frozen. We used advertising revenue from the channel’s
Conquest 19 pictures
Some pictures of our Conquest 19 event which was held on 15.10.2022 in Vihtijärvi. You can find all the pictures from our gallery at https://gallery.ehasa.org
Conquest 19 rule changes
The common respawn area in the middle of the game area has been removed. Instead, the factions have their own Capture point areas, from which the factions players can spawn in half
Website published
Ehasa’s new website has been “under construction” for a long time. We realized that the old Finnish website, coded in 2015, is not necessarily the most informativ